
A note on representation + ownvoices

Ida, the main character, is Vietnamese-Australian. I wrote Ida before I realised the importance of ownvoices stories. When a white author writes a main character of colour, they’re taking up space and opportunities that could have otherwise gone to an author of colour. I thought that if I used sensitivity readers and did my research, I could do a good job - but that’s not the point. It’s not my place to write these characters as POV characters, and I won’t do it again.

Before you check out Ida, have a look at these books and stories:

Mai’s Super Sweet 16 by Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen (free to read online)

The Other Shore by Hoa Pham

Laurinda by Alice Pung

Meet me at the Intersection eds Rebecca Lim and Ambelin Kwaymullina


I list these so that readers who are looking for particular representations can find them.

Ida is bisexual and Vietnamese-German-Australian.

Daisy is nonbinary and queer.

Frank is a trans boy.

Damaris and Adrastos are both genderfluid.